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3 Reasons to Conduct a Tenant Background Check in Merced, CA

3 Reasons to Conduct a Tenant Background Check in Merced, CA

With lower living costs than many other major California cities, Merced is a fantastic place for renters and landlords. Indeed, its cost of living is about 2.5 times less than San Francisco's!

So, if you have Merced real estate you wish to rent out, you'll likely have many applicants vying to become your tenant.

The question is, how do you choose among them? With a comprehensive tenant background check, that's how.

We've shared the top reasons to conduct Merced, CA, tenant background checks, so please read on.

1. Find Qualified and Trustworthy Tenants

Every tenant screening process should include a criminal background check. This is crucial as 70 million people in the U.S. have arrest or criminal records. Of these individuals, nearly 10% or eight million are Californians.

However, just because an applicant has a record doesn't mean you can reject their application outright. Especially not if it's only a misdemeanor or minor offense committed many years ago.

But if someone else with a clean history and who passes all qualifications applies, it's your right to choose this person as your renter.

Such qualifications include:

  • Being gainfully employed
  • Has a clean credit history and a good record of paying financial dues on time
  • Highly recommended by previous landlords

If you don't have the time to do all those checks, consider investing in professional property management in Merced, CA. They specialize in all leasing-related services, from tenant placement to property maintenance.

2. Protect Your Property and Other Tenants

Aside from a criminal history check, a referral verification can also reveal an applicant's character. You can then use this to gauge how likely they'll treat your property and neighbors with respect.

Suppose you've contacted three previous landlords of an applicant. All three said this person paid rent on time but left the property with damage beyond normal wear and tear. They also mentioned how neighbors complained about this tenant being noisy.

While you want a renter who pays on time, it would be best if they also treat your property like it's theirs. They should also be courteous of the neighbors; if they're not, you'll be liable as their landlord.

3. Minimize Eviction-Related Risks

Contrary to what many believe, landlords don't like evictions and regard them as a last resort. That's because they take up a lot of time, are expensive, and require legal proceedings. Worse, they don't always result in landlords getting the total amount renters owe them.

But if you thoroughly screen applicants, you can lower your risk of dealing with the eviction process in Merced, CA. After all, the background checks you'll do can help you make more educated decisions on who to rent out to.

Find Qualified Renters With a Tenant Background Check

A tenant background check can help you find renters you can trust to pay rent on time and respect your property and neighbors. And with qualified, excellent tenants, you'll be less likely to deal with evictions.

Our team of experts here at Chosen Property Management can further simplify things for you. From tenant screening to placement, property maintenance, and rent collection, we can help with all these and more.

So, connect with us today! We're excited to share how we can help you maximize your rental properties in Merced, CA.
